2024-05-17: News Headlines

Jim McMahan (2024-05-17). Israel — Base of Western imperialism. workers.org Seattle The U.S. has always enlisted Israel as a militarized pawn to protect its oil interests in the region. This has been the position of the Workers World Party since it held perhaps the only demonstration in the U.S. against Israel's infamous six-day war in 1967. In that blitzkrieg, Israel, . . . |

Thomas Knapp (2024-05-17). Hey, Rube! Why No Room for Others at the Biden/Trump Debate Circus? counterpunch.org Will Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. participate in either of the two presidential election debates thus far announced by the Joe Biden and Donald Trump campaigns? How about independents Cornel West and Afroman, Green party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Randall Terry, and whoever receives the Libertarian Party's nomination over Memorial Day weekend? The answer,

WSWS (2024-05-17). UK Labour Party rail policy: A pro-capitalist rescue plan. wsws.org Labour's rail plan is not a programme of "renationalisation" but an effort to save a collapsed privatisation strategy and to safeguard the interests of British capitalism.

WSWS (2024-05-17). SEP/IYSSE (Sri Lanka) to hold public lecture—"Two years since the 2022 mass uprising in Sri Lanka: The political lessons" wsws.org The forthcoming SEP/IYSSE event will discuss the political necessity for the building of the revolutionary party in the context of current global developments and the danger of a third world war.

WSWS (2024-05-17). 8 Mexican farmworkers killed in Florida bus crash. wsws.org Contrary to the anti-immigrant policies of DeSantis and the Republican Party, the site of the crash has been overflowing with flowers from people and families visiting to pay their respects to the farmworkers they never met.

Nico Biver (2024-05-17). The inexorable rise of the Belgian Workers' Party. links.org.au Nico Biver — Can Europe's last insurgent left-wing force maintain its momentum after this super election year?

Eric Brooks (2024-05-17). Anti-work is anti-socialist. cpusa.org This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party's program, strategy, and tactics are up for consideration and debate. The ideas presented here are those of the author or authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Communist Party USA, its membership, or their elected leadership bodies. — Editors | There is a peculiar trend in the western left. It goes by many names, by many different modes of expression, but it remains the same essential thought: Anti-work. Whatever one wishes…

Josiah Mortimer (2024-05-17). Labour Won't Stick to Conservative Spending Plans, Ed Miliband Confirms. bylinetimes.com The most senior Labour figure yet has confirmed that the party will not follow Conservative spending plans if elected later this year. | Speaking to Byline Times, Shadow Climate Change and Net Zero Secretary — and former Labour Leader — Ed Miliband addressed concerns that the party might not promise enough to inspire voters, claiming that its plans are both realistic and necessary. | It comes as Labour faces criticism from some on the left of its new '

Eric Brooks (2024-05-17). Envisioning socialism with American characteristics. cpusa.org This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party's program, strategy, and tactics are up for consideration and debate. The ideas presented here are those of the author or authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Communist Party USA, its membership, or their elected leadership bodies. — Editors | In envisioning the future of socialism in America, it is crucial to understand it not as a utopian reconstruction of our economy from scratch, but as a pragmatic evolution of existin…

Eric Brooks (2024-05-17). Develop "healthcare struggles" cpusa.org This piece is a contribution to the Pre-Convention Discussion for our 32nd National Convention. During Pre-Convention Discussion, all aspects of the party's program, strategy, and tactics are up for consideration and debate. The ideas presented here are those of the author or authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Communist Party USA, its membership, or their elected leadership bodies. — Editors | Let's update and expand our party's analysis of "Healthcare Struggles." The party program should emphasize the role of special oppression in this discussion. Racist medical experimen…

newleftreview (2024-05-17). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. newleftreview.org Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

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