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2024-07-25: News Headlines

Workers World Party (2024-07-25). PDF of July 25 print issue. Download the PDF. Presidential campaign chaos Workers still have no real choice And more on genocide and resistance Behind software glitch Strike vote at Boeing Vance: faux populist Labor leader bows to ultra-right Assassination attempt aftermath Editorial: Fight Trump, not migrants! Dylcia Noemí Pagán and Bernice Reagon °Presente! Tear down . . . |

WSWS (2024-07-25). Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt expresses "big respect" for "Genocide Joe" Biden. In his comments on the US political crisis, Bandt gave a blanket endorsement to the pro-war, pro-business Democratic Party, and did not even bother to mention the Gaza genocide.

WSWS (2024-07-25). Socialist Equality Party holds demonstration in Washington D.C. against the Gaza genocide and imperialist war. Wednesday's rally and meeting hosted by the SEP marked a milestone in the development of a socialist anti-war movement in the center of world imperialism.

SKWAWKBOX (2024-07-25). More than half Dems boycott Netanyahu lie-fest — but govt replaces them with extras. Absent lawmakers replaced by stand-ins to create false impression as pro-Israel stooges fawn over Israeli PM's litany of lies More than half of Democratic party politicians in the US Congress and Senate boycotted Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's litany of lies masquerading as a speech to fawning supporters. All was not as it seemed as the …

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2024-07-25). Biden/Harris And The Irreversible Crisis Of Neoliberal Fake Democracy. The replacement of Joe Biden as the presidential nominee of the democrat party was a dramatic demonstration that the lords of capital are the only segment of the U.S. population with real agency. The fact that select oligarchs, in this case, the cabal that actually runs the democrat party, can remove a presidential nominee and expeditiously anoint Kamala Harris as his replacement cannot be characterized as anything else but a coup. | While this might read as extreme, the situation that African and oppressed people face in the U.S. and globally is also extreme. From killer cops who occupy cities and college campus…

Hannah Davenport (2024-07-25). Campaigners call for fairer taxation after 'obscene' energy firm profits. The parent company of British Gas, Centrica, has reported profits of £1bn in the first half of 2024 with the latest figures prompting campaigners to put renewed pressure on the government for fairer taxation. | Greenpeace has urged the Labour Party to introduce a windfall tax and use the money to fund energy saving initiatives, after highlighting the huge profits gained by energy companies at a time when fuel bills sky-rocketed. | Greenpeace UK's climate campaigner, Georgia Whitaker, said: "Centrica is still reaping the billion pound benefits of an energy crisis driven by the war in Ukraine and our depe…

WSWS (2024-07-25). Pakistan's government threatens to illegalize the country's most popular party. Amid mounting protests—over both the dire economic situation and the military's "dirty war" tactics against insurgents—there is growing apprehension within the ruling class that Pakistan could soon be convulsed by a mass popular uprising akin to that which chased Gotabaya Rajapaksa from power in Sri Lanka in July 2022.

Staff (2024-07-25). Rancid Labour scraps Rwanda flights — but uses them to deport people to Asia instead. Keir Starmer's 'left-wing' Labour Party government said on Thursday 25 July it had deported 46 people to Vietnam and East Timor, after ditching the previous Conservative Party administration's plan to send migrants to Rwanda. As people pointed out on X, the underhandedness and hypocrisy of these Labour deportation flights was clear to see. Labour: we …

thenextrecession.wordpress (2024-07-25). China's Third Plenum. The Third Plenum of the Communist Party of China ended last week.

newleftreview (2024-07-25). Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership.

noemail (2024-07-25). Cambodian politician fined $1.5 mln for defamation after democracy criticism. A Cambodian court has found opposition politician Teav Vannol guilty of defamation and fined him $1.5 million in damages for comments he made to a foreign media outlet about the state of the country's democracy, rights monitors said. In an interview with the Nikkei this February, Vannol, the president of the Candlelight Party, said democracy in the Southeast Asian nation had worsened under the administration of Hun Manet. He is the son of the country's long-time leader Hun Sen and assumed power last year.

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2024-07-20: News Headlines

Misión Verdad (2024-07-20). How Chavismo Is Preparing for Venezuela's July 28 Presidential Elections. Chavismo and allied forces rallying around the re-election of President Nicolás Maduro for a third term are gearing up for the electoral process. On Sunday, July 14, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the coalition Simón Bolívar Great Patriotic Pole (GPPSB), and other political and social movements in Venezuela launched a national deployment to review the mechanisms of the program 1x10x7 and Defense of the Vote for July 28. | The main event of the Third National Review Day of the 1x10x7 and Defense of the Vote program was held at the Poliedro stadium in Caracas. Several similar events were also held… (2024-07-20). China to promote high-quality development as its primary task. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concluded its third plenary session on Thursday, stressing in a communique that China will promote high-quality development as its primary task in building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. (2024-07-20). CPC sends condolences on demise of Vietnam leader. The Communist Party of China Central Committee sent condolences on Friday over the death of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong. (2024-07-20). China to pursue major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its third plenary session on Thursday, issuing a communique that emphasizes China's commitment to pursuing major-country diplomacy with distinctive Chinese characteristics.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-07-20). India mourns death of Vietnamese party leader. New Delhi, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined the condolences of world leaders on the death of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Nguyen Phu Trong.

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-07-20). National mourning in Vietnam for the death of VCP general secretary. Hanoi, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) A special statement to declare national mourning on the occasion of the death, the day before, of the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (PCV), Nguyen Phu Trong, was released today in this capital. (2024-07-20). Trump officially nominated while Biden may be replaced. Donald Trump will represent the Republican Party in November's presidential elections in the United States. His nomination arrived as reports say incumbent President Joe Biden is seriously considering quitting the race.

WSWS (2024-07-20). The fascist spectacle of the Republican National Convention. One need not idealize the American party conventions of decades past to acknowledge that this year's Republican National Convention was an unprecedented spectacle of reaction and backwardness.

aljazeera (2024-07-20). Biden vows to stay in race as more Democrats ask him to drop out. Standoff between 81-year-old president and his party expected to intensify as 12 more Democrats ask him to step aside.

The Independent (2024-07-20). FDC Katonga faction unveils new heads in Gulu city. GULU, UGANDA | THE INDEPENDENT | The Katonga of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) unveiled its faction leaders in Gulu City amidst a growing leadership row in the once-largest opposition political party. The executive members were unveiled Thursday following the conclusion of the grassroots election held within the 128 cells and 32 wards in the …

newleftreview (2024-07-20). Owen Hatherley: Labourism: In and Against? Owen Hatherley on Andy Beckett, The Searchers. Interlinked portraits of the Labour Party's Bennite bloc, from 1968 to the Corbyn leadership.

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