2024-05-16: News Headlines

albawaba (2024-05-16). German politician Martin Neumaier licks public toilets in 'disgusting video'. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – German politician Martin Neumaier has been heavily criticized after he appeared in videos licking public toilets in what people described as "disgusting".In one of the videos posted that circulated on social media platforms gaining millions of views, likes and shares, the German politician appeared to lick a public toilet in a railway station.Martin Neumaier, who is a candidate of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) in Ostlab distract, was under fire for posting such videos online. Not only licking toilets, but the German politician also posted more than one footage of himself doing "sexual acts".X has rem…

WSWS (2024-05-16). What is behind the turmoil in the New Zealand Green Party? wsws.org Tactical differences have emerged in the Green Party, with former co-leader James Shaw declaring that he would have been comfortable joining a right-wing National Party-led government.

aljazeera (2024-05-16). Its weakness on Gaza may cost UK Labour a majority in the next election. aljazeera.com The voters will not ignore the party's inability to strongly condemn the suffering inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza.

noemail (2024-05-16). New Dutch government to look for 'opt out' of EU asylum rules. devdiscourse.com The incoming Dutch government led by nationalist Geert Wilders' PVV party will look to opt out of European Union migration rules, as its says it is facing an asylum crisis.

newleftreview (2024-05-16). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. newleftreview.org Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Basit Mahmood (2024-05-16). What are the Labour Party's six election pledges? leftfootforward.org Keir Starmer is unveiling the pledges at an event in Essex today, which will also be attended by the whole shadow cabinet, following on from an excellent set of local election results.

Hannah Davenport (2024-05-16). Cross-party MPs and peers demand Rishi Sunak stops 'maxing out' North Sea oil and gas. leftfootforward.org 50 parliamentarians have signed a letter to the Prime Minister calling on the UK Government to re-establish green leadership…

Hannah Davenport (2024-05-16). Kemi Badenoch's Daily Mail column on unions rinsed in three words. leftfootforward.org In an opinion piece for the Daily Mail, Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch argued that UK trade unions were working to undo all of the work the Conservative Party had done over the last 14 years. | Badenoch insisted the public should be "worried" about the meeting between Keir Starmer and union leaders that took place on Tuesday to discuss workers' rights and Labour's landmark New Deal for Working People. | She warned that Labour had been given their "marching orders" by trade unions to undo "all the good work of the last 14 years under the Conservatives" by implementing the pledges in the New Deal for workers.

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