Daily Archives: 2024-06-03

2024-06-03: News Headlines

Fight Back! News. (2024-06-03). Possible Virtual Biden Nomination Won't Impact March On DNC. popularresistance.org Chicago, IL — Preparations for the March on the DNC are well underway, with tens of thousands of people slated to march within sight and sound of the United Center on August 19 to demand that the Democratic Party helmed by Joe Biden end the genocide on Gaza and end U.S. aid to Israel. | Recently, the Democratic Party announced, to comply with shifting Ohio laws, that it will virtually nominate Biden before the convention, meaning that some business of the convention might be resolved before the August in-person convention. | "The Israeli occupation with U.S. weapons has killed over 36,000 people in Gaza. Me…

Melvin Goodman (2024-06-03). The Outrageous Congressional Invitation to Netanyahu. counterpunch.org It's no surprise that the Republican leadership invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, but why would the Democratic leadership co-sponsor the invitation? The Republicans issued the invitation as part of their effort to embarrass President Biden's support for a ceasefire in Gaza. Democratic support for the invitation lends credibility to this effort and will further divide the Democratic Party, making it more difficult for Biden to be reelected in November.

Staff (2024-06-03). President Maduro: Electoral Victory Must Be Immense and in Peace. orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, urged the people of Lara state to deploy the 1àó10 electoral outreach strategy in all the streets of the region. The 1×10 method has been used by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to bring more Chavista voters to the polls on election day. | During a phone-call with coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Presidential Campaign Staff, Delcy Rodríguez, who was present at an organizational meeting of electoral teams of the PSUV in Lara state, President Maduro pointed out that it is necessary to "renew all our discourse and our way of working" to opti…

teleSUR (2024-06-03). Officially: Claudia Sheinbaum Wins the Presidential Race. telesurenglish.net The candidate for the Presidency of Mexico for the Morena party, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, is the winner of the elections held this Sunday with more than 57.44% of support. | RELATED: | According to the last information released by the Mexico's National Electoral Institute (INE) made by the president entity, Guadalupe Taddei, more than 60.1096 % of Mexicans registered in able age casted their right to vote. | In seco…

teleSUR (2024-06-03). France: Attal Avoids No-Confidence Motions Before EU Elections. telesurenglish.net On Monday, two "Motions of No Confidence" against the French administration led by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal failed, just six days before the European elections. | RELATED: | The motions were presented by Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally (RN) party and the left-wing the Insoumise France (LFI) party. Unsurprisingly, neither motion secured the absolute majority of votes required in the National Assembly to overthrow the Executi…

Mazibuko Jara, Federico Fuentes (2024-06-03). South Africa: 30 years after Mandela's post-apartheid victory, ANC suffers historic election defeat. greenleft.org.au The African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary majority in South Africa's May 29 elections. South African socialist Mazibuko Jara discussed the reasons for the ANC's declining support and the rise of the recently formed uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) party, led by former ANC president Jacob Zuma with Green Left's Federico Fuentes just prior to the elections.

Chris Jarvis (2024-06-03). Former Lib Dem leadership candidate backs Adrian Ramsay to be Green MP for Waveney Valley. leftfootforward.org The Green Party's campaign to get its co-leader Adrian Ramsay elected as an MP in Waveney Valley received a boost today. The former Lib Dem leadership contender and ex-MP for North Norfolk Norman Lamb has come out in support of Ramsay's bid for parliament. | Lamb

The Independent (2024-06-03). ANC falls far short of majority, gets 159 of 400 seats. independent.co.ug JOHANNESBURG | Xinhua | South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) has secured 159 out of 400 seats in the National Assembly in the country's 2024 general elections, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) officially announced on Sunday evening. The main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), came second with 87 seats in the National Assembly, …

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-03). Diane Abbott confirms she 'intends to run and win'. leftfootforward.org Diane Abbott said on Sunday evening that she intends to 'run and win' in the general election for Labour in the Hackney North and Stoke Newington seat. | It comes after Keir Starmer ended speculation about Abbott's political future in the party last week and On X, Abbott wrote: "I am the adopted Labour candidate for Hackney North & Stoke Newington. I intend to…

Reuters (2024-06-03). UK election 2024: Labour's Diane Abbott confirms she will run after confusion over candidacy. scmp.com Britain's first black woman lawmaker, Diane Abbott, said she intends to run for the Labour Party in a July 4 general election, after confusion over her candidacy.

Chris Jarvis (2024-06-03). Senior Tory eviscerates Kemi Badenoch's 'Putinesque' anti-trans policy. leftfootforward.org 'It appears that Kemi Badenoch wants to change our Party from one that promotes and extends individual liberties into a hate filled sect that wants to remove them'

Associated Press (2024-06-03). South Africa's Ramaphosa urges rivals to find common ground after ANC election bruising. scmp.com South Africa's African National Congress has begun talks with rivals to form a government following its worst performance since Nelson Mandela led it to power at the end of apartheid in 1994.

newleftreview (2024-06-03). Sahra Wagenknecht: Condition of Germany. newleftreview.org Interview with a prominent leader of the German left on the state of her country, currently the epicentre of converging crises—geopolitical, economic, environmental. With politics swerving right under an SPD-led government, flux and refoundation on the left.

Combined Sources (2024-06-03). South Africa elections: ANC loses 30-year majority; Communists warn of right-wing threat. peoplesworld.org South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) party will not consider any demands from possible coalition partners that President Cyril Ramaphosa step down, a top official said on Sunday. This came after the ANC lost its 30-year-old majority after a stinging result in Wednesday's election. South Africa has now been plunged into a series of negotiations …

Manu Sharma (2024-06-03). FO ∞ Talks: Geopolitical Guru on the State of Indian Democracy, Part 2. fairobserver.com On Tuesday, June 4, India will release the official results of its 2024 parliamentary elections. At least 644 million people have cast their votes in the largest democratic election in human history. For most of its history since independence in 1947, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress party. Leadership of the party…

Hannah Davenport (2024-06-03). Labour has 'historic opportunity' to reverse NHS privatisation, says campaigners. leftfootforward.org Labour has been told it will have a 'historic opportunity' to reverse NHS outsourcing in its first term, if the party wins the general election. | Assuming Labour takes office on July 5, campaign group We Own It has laid out a plan for Labour not to renew private NHS contracts which are set to expire in the first term of the next government, as analysis has found a huge majority of contracts will need renewing over the next four years. | Based on an analysis of NHS contracts, data has shown that the next government will inherit 7,452 contracts, worth a total of £29.1bn, between for-profit private compan…

newarab (2024-06-03). Chile joins South African case against Israel at top UN court. newarab.com Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on Saturday that his country was joining South Africa in its case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of "genocide" in its Speaking to the National Congress, Boric decried the "catastrophic humanitarian situation" in Gaza and called for "a firm response from the international community." | "Chile will become a party to and support the case that South Africa presented against Israel before the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Boric…

newarab (2024-06-03). KDP rejoins Kurdistan general elections amid new date talks. newarab.com The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) announced on Sunday that it will participate in the upcoming Elections in Iraqi Kurdistan, initially scheduled for late 2022, faced repeated delays due to disputes between the KDP and the Patriotic U…

presstv.ir (2024-06-03). Polls open in South Africa's most competitive election since end of apartheid. presstv.ir South Africans started voting on Wednesday in an election that could mark a big political shift if the governing African National Congress party loses its majority as opinion polls suggest.

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